Study of the interaction between root rot oomycetes and Quercus ilex L


  • Francisco José Ruiz Gómez Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad de Córdoba. Grupo de Investigación "Evaluación y Restauración de Sistemas Agrícolas y Forestales" (ERSAF, PAIDI RNM360)
  • Rafael Navarro Cerrillo
  • Alejandro Pérez de Luque



The dehesas represent the Mediterranean ecosystem more widespread in the Iberian Peninsula, with the holm oak as the main species. Currently, the sustainability of both the species and the ecosystem are in serious danger due to the decay of holm oaks, produced by root rot, caused by soil pathogens of the genus Phytophthora spp. This pathogen-host system has been extensively studied, although many of the mechanisms underlying the interaction at the histological and physiological level were still not clearly determined. In the present doctoral thesis, different approaches were taken to increase the knowledge available in these areas. Histology studies were carried out to describe the process of specific pathogenesis, which led to the identification of different stages related to the trophic behavior of the pathogen, the physiological response of the host to the stress produced by the pathogen was analyzed separately, and in combination with induced hydric stress, and the influence of the structure and functionality of the microbiota was studied from its specific composition and its diversity with the symptoms of tree decay. The results suggest the need to incorporate new factors in the integrated control strategies of decay in the dehesa, incorporating measures that encourage treatments at appropriate times, the concept of induction of systemic defenses, and considering the key species of soil microbiota , beyond the simple vision of the interaction between the host and the pathogen.

Author Biography

Francisco José Ruiz Gómez, Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad de Córdoba. Grupo de Investigación "Evaluación y Restauración de Sistemas Agrícolas y Forestales" (ERSAF, PAIDI RNM360)

Personal Contratado UCO, en formación predoctoral (Becario FPU).

Responsable del Área de Interacción de Agentes bióticos del Laboratorio de repoblaciones Forestales del Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Gómez, F. J., Navarro Cerrillo, R., & Pérez de Luque, A. (2019). Study of the interaction between root rot oomycetes and Quercus ilex L. Cuadernos De La Sociedad Española De Ciencias Forestales, 45(2), 149-160.



Premios Universitarios de la SECF (Convocatoria 2018)